What is ?
STAR (Share, Talk & Remember) is a Bereavement Peer Support Group, which provides free support for people grieving from a bereavement or difficult transition in their life. The aim of the support group is to create a safe space for people to receive support, listen to and share stories & experiences with others who have experienced loss in their life.
A STAR Bereavement Peer Support Group aims to:
provide peer-support sessions which will be facilitated by Peer Supporters; local people volunteering their time, most of whom have themselves been through a loss.
provide opportunity for service users (participants) to speak to others who have gone through something similar and/or listen to others’ stories & experiences of bereavement & grief. Each session addresses the topics and emotions that arise for participants on the day instead of having pre-planned topics to discuss.
share information about establishments which provide a range of support to help with sustaining & improving health & well-being

What is Asset Based Community Development and why is it important to adopt this approach?
Explore stories, quotes and case studies from everyone involved...
Would you like to set up and run a Bereavement Peer Support Community Group? This training will give you a head-start!
Website written and produced by Jan Massiah (aka Perry), STARs Connecting Network Manager and Freelance Trainer
email: contact@starsconnecting.com tel: 07595165082
STAR Training the Trainers is supported by Age UK Bristol and St Monica Trust